Welcome to the Demo of 'The Creed'. This text is here to show you the basic key commands and to make you aware of some of the features you will find in the Demo.
Firstly, the key commands for controlling your character have been listed at the bottom. You can view these keys or alter them in game at any time by pressing [F3]. Additional keys include [F2] which displays a top view map of Cerberus; and [T] which displays the missions that are currently available at the Terminal in the VR Arcade (to view these missions you must be adjacent to the Terminal).
Initially you may feel a sense of disorientation when moving between different areas, but if you use your map you will soon become familiar with the scenery and locate the best areas to battle your opponents.
If you ever need to recap your mission objectives, simply press [F1] which will bring up your current Status, showing you how well you fare with each of the three Factions, and either a brief mission outline or an advertisement on one of the more...interesting aspects of life in Cerberus. Remember to ALWAYS READ your mission briefings, as the information contained within them will no doubt be crucial to your chances of successfully completing the mission.
You may find combat marginally difficult at first, but don't fret little one... You'll soon get the hang of it. One of the more important aspects of surviving in 'The Creed' is that you need not kill all of your enemies in order to complete every mission - use your brain more that your brawn. If you are outgunned; roll, seek cover, or run until you can fight your opponents on the ground of your choosing - because unlike many other games, if you are shot with an Uzi at point blank, you will go down like a sack of disused horse parts.
Walk Forward - [Up Arrow ]
Walk Backward - [Down Arrow ]
Fast Turn Left - [Left Arrow ]
Fast Turn Right - [Right Arrow]
Fast Move - [SHIFT] (Right)
Slow / Fast Toggle - [Caps Lock]
Fire - [CTRL] (right)
Reload - [Z]
Left Mouse - Fire Weapon
Middle Mouse - Follow Mouse Toggle
Right Mouse - Walk Towards Mouse
Give - [G]
Use Item - [U]
Pick Up / Drop Item - [Page Up]
Next Item in Inventory - [Left Bracket ] '['
Last Item in Inventory - [Right Bracket] ']'
Swap Item / Weapon - [Tab]
Talk - [C]
Enter / Exit Vehicle - [Enter] (Numeric Pad)
Cycle Tracker Target - [/]
Roll Forward - [Up Arrow ] + [0] (Numeric Pad)
Roll Left - [Left Arrow ] + [0] (Numeric Pad)
Roll Right - [Right Arrow] + [0] (Numeric Pad)
Crouch Down - [Down Arrow ] + [0] (Numeric Pad)
Weapon Select - [1] to [0] (Main Keyboard)
Mission Status Screen - [F1]
Cerberus Colony Map - [F2]
Key Configuration - [F3]
Additional missions for this Demo can be downloaded from 'The Creed' website (http://www.thecreed.com)
If you have any questions you can contact us via email at faq@thecreed.com